How to Process Fruit or Vegetable into Puree or Juice?How to Process Fruit or Vegetable into Puree or Juice?

The fruit/vegetable puree and juice industry has boomed almost all over the world due to people’s desire for a healthy lifestyle. In the USA alone, bars that offer natural juices and smoothies earn about $2 billion annually. However, what’s the specifics of fruit and vegetable processing, and how to find a manufacturer who follows the best industry standards and takes care of the finished products?

Juice & Puree Making Process

It is not so difficult to choose reliable manufacturers if you know what stages the product must go through to obtain juice and puree. The optimal technological process for such products is as follows.

Technological Process of Tomato Paste

What is the specifics of making tomato paste step by step?

  • Washing raw resources. During this process, tomatoes are sorted, only ripe fruits are selected. After that, the process of cleaning the tomatoes and preparation for further stages begins.
  • Crushing and pulping stage. With a hammer crusher, tomatoes are crushed to 3-5 mm. After that, the tomatoes will be chopped to 0.4-0.6 mm. The pulping process allows to achieve up to 90% pure paste from seeds and peels.
  • Preheating tomato pulp. For cold-pressed tomato puree, a temperature of 55-60 is needed for 10-15 minutes. For the break tomato paste, a temperature of up to 85-90 is required for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Evaporation and sterilization of tomato paste. These processes are essential to kill bacteria and increase the shelf life of the tomato paste.
  • Aseptic Filler Process. This is the process of filling paste into the aseptic filler. 

Apple and Pear Juice Technological Process

Apple and pear juices are produced using the same technology. The production scheme consists of such stages as:

  • Washing of raw materials: Many bacteria can remain on the fruit but thanks to specialized cleaning, the number of microorganisms can be reduced by up to 5%. At the same stage, the fruit is checked for damage and so on.
  • Crushing stage: Apples and pears undergo a crushing process to a size of 3-9 mm. Crushing takes place by roller squeezing and blade cutting. As you know, raw fruit can darken under the air. To avoid this, special membranes, valves, and solutions of ascorbic and citric acids are used.
  • Belt press juicer stage: This type of juicer can produce 70-90% juice.
  • Ultrafiltration process: This process allows the manufacturer to achieve the purity of the juice with minimal loss of flavor and nutrients.
  • Enzymatic processing process: At this stage, enzymes may be added to the juice to complete the clearance process of the juice.
  • Concentration process: Concentration takes several minutes with a temperature of 55-60. This is the optimal time and temperature so that the juice does not lose its beneficial properties.
  • Sterilization and Spill: The processing will depend on what type of finished product filling will be used.


Now, you know how the fruits and vegetables should be processed into juices, smoothies, and purees. However, to get started with such a business, you need reliable equipment that will also be able to meet the growing demands of your distributors and customers. Pay your attention to Beyond fruit and vegetable processing equipment that is quite affordable but still efficient and innovative. 

Five Ways to Keep Apples from BrowningFive Ways to Keep Apples from Browning


This afternoon, for a school party, we served molten caramel and apple wedges. Knowing that they would be exposed to air for a considerable amount of time, we felt we needed to treat the apples to minimize browning. Many fruits and vegetables have a class of enzymes in them called peroxidases. These enzymes are designed to break down oxygen particles that can react with tissue and destroy it. As part of the process, the tissue often turns brown. This enzyme is the reason potatoes turn brown when cut open as well as the reason apples turn brown. Knowing that browning is caused by an enzyme, we can prevent browning by preventing the enzyme from working. Discussed in this article are 5 easy ways to keep apples (or any vegetable) from turning brown.

1. Choose apples that are less prone to browning. Green Apples tend to brown far less than your conventional red delicious while Arangeh apples will brown the least of all. In general, color is a good indication of browning with red browning the most, yellow browning moderate, and green browning the least.

2. Keep apples under water. If you cut your apples under water, or leave them covered in water, you can reduce the amount of browning. While this does not reduce the activity of the enzyme that causes browning, the apple is exposed to less free oxygen while in water, thus reducing the amount of browning that occurs, and unlike potatoes, your water is not going to turn a dark brown in a few hours.

3. Brush the exposed apple with an acid. The peroxidase enzymes cannot function at low pH. The more acidic the environment, the more difficult it is for the enzyme to function. One of the easiest ways is to brush the apples with some lemon juice though this will impart some flavor to your apples. Alternatively, dissolve some citric acid (AKA vitamin c) in water and brush that on. It will accomplish the same thing as lemon juice but impart little to no flavor. Also, if you don’t want your apples to be sour, brush them instead with pop (7-up, sprite, ginger ale). The low pH of the carbonated drink will keep down enzyme activity while sweetening your apples.

4. Blanch your apples. Blanching is when you drop the apples into boiling water for a short period of time. The high temperature will inactivate the enzyme so it no longer functions. Blanching will soften your apples as they begin to cook but, and your home may begin to smell like a warm apple pie, but if you do it for only a short time, softening is minimal and you only need to heat the outside where the enzyme is exposed to the air.

5. Wrap your apples tightly in plastic wrap. As we have said before, in order to turn brown, the enzyme in your apples needs to be exposed to oxygen. If you cover the skin in wrap, the apples are less exposed to oxygen and will brown less, but for this to work, the wrap needs to be touching the exposed surface.

Next time you have a gathering with apples and you want to keep them looking fresh and inviting all the time, use any one of these methods and they are sure to look in top shape.

Meals Ready to EatMeals Ready to Eat


Ready to eat meals are self-contained packaged meals which originated as army rations and are currently popular as meals for individuals not only in military but in day-to-day life often times by busy working class people in nations across the world. With the ever-increasing stress and workload in daily life, these ready to eat meals save time of cooking by substituting for freshly cooked food with microwaveable food items.

Often, they can also be eaten cold. Meal ready to are also healthy and often times made of organic ingredients that provide the much needed nutrition to the human body. Ready meals are very light to carry meals and you don’t even need to add water unlike other frozen foods. This makes them a great option for campers, adventurers and even global travelers. Ready foods are calorie rich and so if you are someone who works a lot or often go to the gym, these meals will definitely help you in those activities and help you sustain. These meals they have a a very long shelf life anywhere between 1 to 5 years which allows you to stock them for a longer period of time.

Most Ready meals can sustain for a long time when they are stored in a cool and dry place. Such ready meals are also heavily used during flood, famine, earthquakes and other natural disasters since they can be eaten right out of the box. Therefore they make an ideal emergency food supply. Ready to Eat are available for various courses of a lunch or a dinner for entrees, side dishes, drink mixes, condiments, spreads, crackers, desserts.

You can avail for MREs in various cuisines as well: Chinese, Thai, Japanese, American, Continental and even Indian!Other advantages of ready to eat packaged foods is that they come in various flavors and therefore there is always something you will find of your interest. Other than an almost unlimited choice in food items, are also very convenient to store, dispose off and leave nothing to be washed when you are done. You can directly put it in the trash.Fazlani Food offers a variety of quality Indian food meals. You can explore our range of pastes, pickles, chutneys, sweets, biryanis and sabzis. Our website gives further information about our large variety of lip-smacking delicacies we offer.}

Safety And Storage of Canned FoodSafety And Storage of Canned Food


Safety and Storage of Canned Food Everyone in the developed world is familiar with canned products, but how much do you really know about the product? The following article will teach you more about canned food safety and storage, plus some canned food dun facts. Every single one of us has used canned food at least once in our life time. Canning food is the method used most to package food products all over the world.

We basically see canned food in all households. People use them because they are easy to store & need almost no-time to cook. Additionally, they aren’t likely to lose their natural flavour. But then again, to keep their taste & quality for long period of time, some care should be taken while using them. Besides, there are certain limits to how long food quality can be preserved – why? It’s because several factors limit the shelf-life of canned goods. There are certain points which should be kept in mind when storing canned foods.

For better & prolonged canned food lifetimes – we must practise the following. Tips for Storing Canned Food All these points will keep your canned goods fresh & usable for a longer period. Try to implement these safety measures and you’ll never have any problems with your canned produce.

Halal Foods And Their Global ReachHalal Foods And Their Global Reach


Halal can be found on a number of different food tags and eateries. The expression is vital for our Muslim friends as it denotes what is approved for them to consume by their Islamic dietary law. In a country with citizens of diverse religions, the term halal food is very important. Halal means lawful or legal. If a food label has this term, or an eatery claims they are Halal-certified, it means that the preparation of their food complies with the Islamic dietary law, and consequently, they are able to eat the items. As to just what is permitted under Islamic law, for Halal meat products, the way in which an animal should be killed must adhere to certain specific conditions. It is alleged that the slaughtering of an animal with a knife is the most agonizing and tortuous technique of killing. Nothing can be more beyond the truth. It has been recognized beyond any doubt, through neutral scientific experiments carried out in non-Muslim countries, that the Islamic method for Halal food of slaughtering with a knife is the smallest amount painful and therefore the most humane process of killing an animal.

The Western method of stunning animals in the head is not only brutally painful, as shown by experiments, but it is also disturbingly unhygienic. There is mounting apprehension (based on the conclusions of some researches) that this technique may be a part in the spread of Mad Cow disease (MCD) from cattle to human beings. The developments towards making international the Halal food standard and accreditation is likely to reach an intense pace within the coming years. If things go as proposed, Muslims the world over will sooner or later have a single standard to govern the manufacture of their Halal food, their cosmetics, and their leisure. With extensive expertise in the food processing industry, Sara’s offers a dynamic range of Halal food products.

The Top 5 Benefits of Grilling Over CateringThe Top 5 Benefits of Grilling Over Catering


Are you planning an upcoming corporate event for your office? A birthday party for you teenage son? Perhaps a school fundraiser? Are you considering providing food for your guests, and considering catering from a local restaurant? Before you make that call to the caterer, consider grilling at your event. Here is why:

1. The Food is Fresh Let’s face it. Sometimes catered food can be a little underwhelming. At times it is rubbery and cold. Grilling a fresh steak, pork chop or chicken breast ensures that the food comes off the grill hot and is served with sizzling freshness. Nothing completes a party than fresh food. Likewise, nothing can ruin a party like cold, unsatisfying food. This leads to…

2. The Last Person in Line isn’t Left Out What happens when food is catered? There is always a mad dash to the front of the line, because everyone knows that catered food that sits can become even colder. Nobody wants to be last in line for catered food. However, by grilling at your event, it is guaranteed that nobody has an advantage in getting the best tasting food than anyone else. No matter whether a person is first in line or last in line, they are guaranteed to get a fresh, piping hot entre straight off the grill. What beats that?

3. Creates More of a Party Atmosphere The clouds of smoke from the grill, the sizzle of the meat, the flipping of the burgers, the banter among the grillers Grilling naturally creates a party atmosphere, much more so than catering food. When catering, your food arrives and is set on a table. When grilling, partiers are able to interact with the chef, and the party naturally revolves around the grill, creating another source of fun at the event.

4. You Can Tell the Food is High Quality When catering, the food comes in glass containers with foil over it, and there is no telling what lies underneath. Everyone hopes the food will be good, but nobody knows for sure until they dig in. As for grilling, everyone knows the fresh meet thrown on the grill is high quality. They can see it with their own eyes. This leads to one of the most important aspects of grilling over catering…

5. Tailor The Food to Your Own Tastes Back to the glass containers encased in foil, what lies underneath? One thing everyone at the party knows for sure is that it’s not going to be cooked and seasoned to their exact desires. Grilling changes all that. Does a partygoer want his or her steak well done? Medium well? Maybe rare? By grilling, they can have whichever they choose. Similarly, would they like their steak heavily peppered? Marinated in Worchester sauce? Again, this is possible when grilling instead of catering. Grilling allows for complete customization to one’s dinner, guaranteeing that everyone will be satisfied with their meal, and ultimately, the party itself. *** If you are planning an event in the near future, would like to grill at the event but like the convenience of catering, and live in the Kansas City area, consider mobile catering at your event from Two Guys and a Grill. They will make sure the meal at your event, and consequently the event itself, is a success.

Rice And The Use of Rice CookersRice And The Use of Rice Cookers


“Rice and The Use of Rice Cookers” is a subject that perhaps needs a little explanation. For instance, what is a rice cooker and why should we even use one? What’s the difference between using this appliance or using the stove top? Let’s find out why! You can go back in history as far as 2500 B.C. and you’ll find that rice has fed more people over a longer period of time than any of the other crops. It had its origin in China and the surrounding areas and the continued farming of this much enjoyed food source spread throughout Sri Lanka and India. It was then passed on to Greece and the different areas of the Mediterranean. From Europe it spread to the New World.

From Portugal to Brazil and from Spain to both Central and South America. This product is extremely versatile and can grow in the severe desert conditions such as those of Saudi Arabia or in the flooded rice plains of Southeast Asia. Being a member of the Poaceae family, rice is not only one of the three leading crops in the entire world, but has a multitude of uses. It can be used in snacks, main courses, alcoholic beverages, desserts and as a special food for religious ceremonies. Rice is a wonderful nutritional source, because it’s abundant in carbohydrates and low in nitrogenous matter and fat. Millions worldwide use this product as 3/4 of their total diet. Although rice is prepared in many ways, but to prepare “perfect rice” requires a different approach and skill level. Perfect rice must be tender but certainly not mushy. The grains of the rice must be separated rather than being all stuck together. This is why, more times than not, people become discouraged when trying to prepare it at home regardless of whether they do it on the stove top or oven.

So, many people decide to invest in a “rice cooker” to eliminate their difficulties and enjoy a perfect plate of rice. Now, maybe you’re asking yourself, what is a rice cooker and what are the benefits of using one? A rice cooker is an appliance with its main function to simply cook rice. This appliance makes it very easy to get the proper amount of rice to water ratio and ensure a successful meal each and every time. The appliance sort of looks like a crock pot, but its specific purpose is steaming rice and sometimes even fresh vegetables. A rice cooker will prepare each and every grain to absolute perfection, without it being too firm or too soft and without it ever sticking. A cooker is very convenient, as you can turn it on when leaving your home and have your rice ready to eat when you return later. And, because it has a built in timer, you won’t need to worry about running back home to shut it off so it won’t boil over. If you’ve been accustomed to one of those “boil-in-a-bag” or some other form of “easy-to-make-rice,” there is a big cost savings to buying rice in bulk.

Another advantage is this… if you plan on cooking a large meal with multiple dishes, the cooker will certainly free up the space on your stove top to cook the additional items. Another feature included on some of the better quality rice cookers is the “warmer” setting. This allows the appliance to keep the rice warm long after it has finished cooking. Some rice cookers can even steam veggies, although they may need a special insert to keep the vegetables elevated above the heating surface. Some, also have separate functions for cooking brown rice, white rice, jasmine rice, sushi rice and other varieties perfectly. Since these cookers come in a variety of sizes, ranging from very small to very large, you can prepare the exact amount you’ll need to satisfy your family without having a lot left over.

You’ll even be able to reheat rice in this appliance by simply placing your cold rice in the cooker, adding a small amount of water and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes. Love “rice pudding?” It’s easy to make delicious treat by placing the cooked rice, nutmeg, cinnamon, honey and raisins in the cooker. Add enough milk to create a “pudding-like” consistency and cook it until it is bubbly and has thickened. Try making homemade bread for your loved ones, you’ll be a huge hit! If you and your family enjoy a good pasta dinner, prepare your pasta and sauce at the same time in a one-dish method. Just take advantage of this fantastic product and start experimenting with different types of sauces. Be creative and discover what you can do. You’ll be surprised at the delicious meals you can come up with. Why just settle for cooking rice when this appliance can do so much more? If you done any searches for the best rice cooker, you’ve probably noticed that one name keeps popping up at the top of the list, and the simple reason is because it’s the best product on the market. Which one is it? It’s the Zojirushi brand of rice cookers. To take a look at this product and it’s detailed functions, visit…

Easy Weight Loss with Healthy Meal PlansEasy Weight Loss with Healthy Meal Plans


Did you ever hear the joke about the husband that suggests his wife try washing her clothes in Slim-Fast to lose weight? She got back at him for that one – added a bit of Miracle Grow to his underwear drawer. Yet, wouldn’t it be nice if weight loss were easier and felt more within reach for all of us? Do you feel ready to try mixing your laundry with Slim-Fast? Spring is the time of year when so many people begin to take steps that may help them lose weight. By simply making some positive changes, it’s easy to begin changing your life for the better. Whether you’re looking to kick a bad habit, or make a personal goal of fitness. Today, one of the most effective ways to achieve weight loss is to set aside time for creating your own healthy meal plans. Taking time to plan meals weekly, or even bi-weekly, pays off huge dividends in terms of reducing dinnertime stress, saving time, and sticking to healthier choices.

Learn how using an online service can make it even easier to develop your own healthy meal plans, or vegetarian meal plans, and get you on the road to success. What is MealEasy? MealEasy is a leading provider of healthy and vegetarian meal plans. Their primary goal is to provide delicious recipes that make it easier to cook nutritious meals for any family. You can try MealEasy’s planning solution on a trial basis then decide if you wish to continue. Chances are that you will want to continue given the variety of their amazing and expansive meal plans. Top reasons to choose MealEasy Choose a meal planning provider that has done the time with research and recipe testing. With a full selection of special diet plans, MealEasy is not your average provider! They make it easy to maintain any diet – whether gluten free, heart healthy, well balanced, or even vegetarian meal plans. You’ll find delicious recipes to fit any family budget and personality.

Their website is easy to use. You’ll gain wonderful conveniences like an automatic shopping list generator, favorites feature, and so much more. All meal plans can be customized according to your needs. You can choose the calorie ranges and choose from the variety of options within each plan. You can even filter recipe choices by cost or ingredient. There are thousands of recipes to choose from. Planning a variety of lunches and dinners becomes faster and easier with this online solution for healthy meal plans. Some are even noted as freezable, which means they can be prepared in advance and then frozen for a fast home-cooked meal for busy evenings. You save time, money, and effort while losing weight. It doesn’t get much better than that! MealEasy streamlines all aspects of meal planning for you. Visit to get started making a difference for your family today!

Inclusion of Protein in MealsInclusion of Protein in Meals


A quantity much larger than needed is not an option to have complete nutrients. Most of the people eat in heavy amount at one single meal in order to gain advantage of weight gain and nutrients. However, it is not a good idea. One should take proper diet rather than quantitative diet. It should involve fats, proteins and carbohydrates in balanced order for body growth, substantial recovery from loss and increase in mass. Choosing healthy food instead, is the finest option to consider; healthy food involves fibers, sea food, water content herbs, vegetables, fruits, and enriching carbohydrates that is essential for growth. People those who are involved in exercises or are athletes often take high-energy supplements, proteins in order to gain optimum strength and muscle power.

A small meal also can provide sufficient amount of necessary nutrients, provided that it consist of carbohydrate, protein and fats. This type of diet program will help to keep your energy levels very high and give you proper nutrients for body synthesis. Inclusion of protein in meals Protein is a vital nutrient for all and especially for athletes who want strength. Proteins can found in milk, yogurt, cheese, sea food, etc. You should remember that all your meals should contain some type of protein. It is also recommended that sweets and fatty carbohydrates should be avoided to reduce the chances of weight gain.

If you are serious about your diet, you have to adapt to the diet chart as well as exercise self-discipline also. People all over the world prefer sea food as the worthy option for proteins and minerals. Minerals and nutrients present in the sea food are of utmost importance for the body. Hotels and restaurants offer different types of sea food dishes at attract people. It is a rich source of minerals, omega 3 and much more. Today, it is easy to shop the widest varieties of sea food from the stores. They offer tuna, frozen tilapia fillet, Alaskan pollock fish, vannamei white shrimp, Frozen Squid, Frozen Blue mussels and much more at the most competitive prices. Most of the exporters and fresh sea food stores offer guarantee on their products and provide quality certificates also. You can shop for the fresh fishes and other species as per your taste and preferences. You can order from your home comfort also and they offer free home delivery for optimum satisfaction and ease.

Typical Dishes And Peculiarities of Calabria CuisineTypical Dishes And Peculiarities of Calabria Cuisine


Visiting Calabria means discovering the – very often strong – savours that characterize this wonderful Italian region, and eating in Calabria you get the chance to taste some of the typical dishes and products that are part of the culture and history of this region. Although many typical dishes of Calabria have remained the same through time and have been influenced by the peoples that inhabited this region in the past, from the Greeks and the Arabs, Calabria cuisine is well-known all over Italy (and beyond) for the large use of chilli peppers, an ingredient that was imported only after the discovery of America, thus less ancient than other ingredients. And chilli peppers, in fact, is very widespread in Calabria cuisine, and many dishes are characterized by strong and spicy savours.

This is the case of ‘Nduja, a typical soft salami, and of whitebait of bluefish in oil, which is called Jancumangiari in Calabria, and is prepared with chilli peppers and fried. Another very widespread ingredient in the cuisine of this region is onion, strictly from Tropea! The little village in the province of Vibo Valentia has been strictly connected with the name of the famous red onion, which has gained the quality mark, and which is notably sweet. Onions are used as ingredients for many dishes, like “freselle” with tuna, a typical dish of Tropea.

The fact that this cuisine is characterized by strong and spicy savours might appear strange, as it seems to be in contradiction with the high temperatures recorded in summer in this region, but chilli peppers, onion and strong savours are essential parts of Calabria cuisine. Calabria cuisine is self-evidently rich of fish dishes, as this is one of the Italian regions with the higher percentages of coasts. If you happen to visit the coasts of Calabria, you will probably happen to taste delicious fish dishes. Tuna and swordfish belong to the most widespread fishes of Calabria cuisine, at least as far as Tyrrhenian Sea is concerned, while on the Ionian coasts the specialty is whitebait of bluefish.

Some of the dishes that stand out are “sardella”, a sauce made of pilchards or whitebait of bluefish and enriched with spices and chilli peppers, of course – that you can spread on bread or pour onto pasta. Not only fish though: also the offer of meat dishes (goat and pork above all) is very rich in Calabria. Some typical dishes of this region are “frittole”, made with pork ring and meat boiled in the fat of the pork, lamb chops Cosenza style (with onion, tomatoes, peppers and green olives), Calabria sausages, the very famous “soppressata” (a sort of salami that can be spicy or sweet) and pasta with pork and goat sauce. The most widespread vegetables are, apart from onions, aubergines, broad beans, tomatoes and peppers, which are used to prepare very tasty dishes like Aubergine Parmesan or “pipi chini” (stuffed peppers). To sum up, eating in Calabria means tasting strong savours and dishes that tell you a lot about this Italian region.